
Member Spotlight | Jordan Copestake

  Meet Jordan Copestake,  Jordan manages operations for a Natural Resource Training Group. She joined us at 2nd Edition Coworking back in April as a Hot Desk Member and has recently moved into a Dedicated Desk Membership! Read her full bio below! Q) What is your title/position? A) I’m the Operations Manager for Natural Resources Training Group. We specialize in providing practical courses and online learning opportunities for students and professionals in environmental monitoring, natural resources, and land guardianship. My role mostly focuses on our internal processes, and systems – I don’t typically venture into the field with our fabulous instructors.  Q) How long have… Read More »Member Spotlight | Jordan Copestake

Member Spotlight | Gabriel Cote-Valiquette

  Meet Gabriel and the AmbassodorWild Team! Gabriel works for Tourism Fernie as the program manager for the AmbassadorWILD program. This program is a 3-year pilot project that started in the summer of 2022 and is hoping to be able to continue their work in the years to come.  Q. Why did you join 2nd Edition Coworking? I work for Tourism Fernie, which has its offices at the Visitor Information Center (VIC). The program I work for, called AmbassadorWILD, is a 3-year pilot project that started in the summer of 2022. Since there were no additional offices available at VIC at the time, Tourism Fernie… Read More »Member Spotlight | Gabriel Cote-Valiquette

Member Spotlight | Carmen Smith

Meet Carmen Smith! She is the owner of Three Sisters Driving School in Fernie, BC.  Carmen joined 2nd Edition Coworking to have a workspace downtown and avoid communicating between home and driving lessons. As a hotdesk member, she enjoys working at a desk without the distractions of being at home, resulting in increased efficiency and better time management. Q. What do you work on at 2nd Edition Coworking?  A. When I’m at the coworking space, I handle various tasks such as checking my schedule, completing registrations, preparing lesson plans, reviewing students’ progress, researching ideas for program development, and managing online banking and bookkeeping tasks. Q.… Read More »Member Spotlight | Carmen Smith