Meet Mikayla Reid, owner of MIMI Marketing Co. a digital marketing company that focuses on helping small businesses experience long-term growth by coordinating digital marketing strategies. This includes but is not limited to social media, graphic design, website management, email marketing and SEO.
Mikayla moved to Fernie in September 2020 after hearing rave reviews about the community. She joined 2nd Edition as a hot desk member in May because she was finding that being self employed and working from home was diminishing her work life balance. She wanted to have a dedicated space for work and another space dedicated to living and relaxing. Since joining 2nd Edition, she has found that although she doesn’t directly work alongside anyone using the space, she feels like she is a part of a like-minded community which is way less isolating than solo remote work. This shift has done wonders for her mental health and has even allowed her to find the energy for other hobbies and passions!
Q: What do you love most about your work?
A: Of course, I’m proud of myself for creating something that directly relates to my schooling and dream career path (business with a specialization in marketing), that’s my more obvious answer. What I didn’t expect was being able to successfully mix an interest in business with values that heavily orient around environmentalism, sustainability, equality and overall hope for a better future. I admit, our current capitalistic system makes that combination impossible. However, an alternative capitalism, where companies include social responsibility in their bottom line and economic growth isn’t based on consumption (among other things), makes me feel a lot more hopeful. With this vision in mind, what I love most about my job is that I can help make this economic shift by lifting up small, socially responsible companies and transition them to be the sustainable forerunners of their industry. I wholeheartedly believe in this mission.
Q: What is one thing – either industry-related or not – you learned in the last month?
A: I’m sure I’m the last person on earth to have seen this quote, but Einstein provided me with a much needed ‘aha moment’ when he said, “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” What a genius.
Q: How do you define success?
A: I think success is figuring out who your authentic self is and what you truly value, and basing your life decisions around those factors. Once you learn how to do that, I’m sure it would feel damn liberating. I’m obviously still learning…
Q: Who inspires you?
A: Everyone! I learn things everyday from everyone.

Q: When not working how do you spend your time?
A: As a fairly recent resident of Fernie, I’ve been trying my best to take advantage of everything this wonderful little town has to offer. I’ve spent a good amount of time skiing, hiking, camping, floating, sitting on downtown patios & hanging out with new friends! I also like to keep my creative side alive with cooking, reading, sewing, and more recently, collaging (that one’s a little weird, but I think everyone should try it at least once).
Q: What’s one thing you love about Fernie?
A: There’s 1 million cool things about Fernie. However, the thing I tell the most people about is the Fernie Fresh Food Share. It’s such a simple concept, yet people are still dumbfounded when they learn about it. Massively reducing waste and providing free food? Why do we not have these things everywhere? It’s brilliant.
Q: What’s the last book you read?
A: The last book I read is ‘Stakeholder Capitalism’ by Klaus Schwab with Peter Vanham. I have never been more excited about a book. In a nutshell, they explain how adjusting a few key economic concepts within our current system can help create a “global economy that works for progress, people & planet.” Some of these changes include: holding all stakeholders accountable for sustainability & equality (companies, international community, countries & states & civil society), a change in universal economic growth indicators (switching from GDP to wellness indexes), revisiting the definition of a monopoly and fully embracing new technology. I would highly recommend this book to anyone on earth (and everyone not on earth).

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