Meet Sandra Robertson, Pilates studio owner turned part-time receptionist at 2nd Edition Coworking.
Allergic to sitting still, Sandra begins every day with a goal to make at least one person smile. Usually this is achieved by sharing a good pun.
Sandra joined the 2nd Edition Coworking team after she had to make the tough decision to permanently close her Pilates studio due to the 2020/21/22 debacle…Enthralled by the world of business, she’s looking forward to spending her days with fascinating people who call 2nd Edition Coworking their “Work away from home.”
Q: What do you love most about being a 2nd Edition Coworking employee?
A: I’m part of a cohesive team that listens to & respects my ideas & opinions. This team is also great at encouraging each other to flourish by providing the freedom to tap into our creativity & ignite our troubleshooting skills. All of this while being available to offer support & guidance at anytime.
Q: What is one thing – either industry-related or not – you learned in the last month?
A: Others are eager to help you! They’re just waiting for you to ask!
Q: How do you define success?
A: The Goldilocks Effect. You’re at a place in your life where the amount of effort required is just right to challenge you to grow & evolve without tipping you over the edge sacrificing your health & happiness.
Q: Who inspires you?
A: Senior Citizens. Wit & wisdom all wrapped in lovely little packages of many years of life experience that they generously gift to everyone they meet. When I grow up, I’m going to be just like them.

Q: When not working how do you spend your time?
A: Barefoot & braless. Doing as little as possible – The more socially acceptable term for this would be “meditating”.
Q: What’s one thing you love about Fernie?
A: Talk about a casual vibe! Woke up to fresh powder? I’m not opening my store/cafe/etc. until after I’ve had my fill of ski runs. Office attire? Toques & flannel absolutely fall into that category!
Q: What’s the last book you read?
A: Archie Annual Digest Magazine No. 38

Interested in coworking in Fernie, BC?
Head to coworkingfernie.com