
Make your workspace more ergonomic and improve productivity at a coworking space

Submitted by: Camille Fraser from the ErgoMania Team Coworking spaces are great for those who are working or studying remotely. It enables a sense of community and creates a physical space for work with fewer distractions.  Infact, a study shows that almost one third of work from home cases had family members present in the home and only half had a separate room/office to work in. Less family distractions normally equates to a sense of higher productivity and performance (Robelski & al, 2019). Who wouldn’t want to be more productive?  That said, there are many factors that come into play for work productivity, such as,… Read More »Make your workspace more ergonomic and improve productivity at a coworking space

Fernie Chamber of Commerce - task force

Where do we put our coworking space?

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Having tested the feasibility of a coworking space in Fernie and having raised enough funding to get the project started, the search began in the summer of 2019 to find a location. The Fernie Chamber established a task force to help staff with the ambitious goal of securing a location and opening the space. The team was rounded out by local community builders who were passionate about the project including William McClounie, Robyn Peel, and former Community Manager at Ground Floor Coworking Tanya Malcolm. Commercial space in Fernie (especially in the downtown core) was at a premium in 2019 as search for suitable places commenced,… Read More »Where do we put our coworking space?

Why a coworking space in Fernie?

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Welcome to the very first 2nd Edition Coworking blog post! You may be curious why the Fernie Chamber of Commerce decided to embark on this journey of opening a not-for-profit community coworking space in downtown Fernie. In 2017 having identified that a coworking space could be of benefit to the community, the Fernie Chamber commissioned a feasibility study regarding the potential for such a facility in Fernie. This study included an online survey of prospective tenants and the final report published that summer demonstrated that there was enough demand by many in the community (and part-time residents) to make the project feasible. With Fernie being… Read More »Why a coworking space in Fernie?