2nd edition's exclusive newsdesk

Member Spotlight | Jordan Copestake
Meet Jordan Copestake, Jordan manages operations for a Natural Resource Training Group. She joined us at 2nd Edition Coworking back in April as a

Member Spotlight | Gabriel Cote-Valiquette
Meet Gabriel and the AmbassodorWild Team! Gabriel works for Tourism Fernie as the program manager for the AmbassadorWILD program. This program is a 3-year

Member Spotlight | Carmen Smith
Meet Carmen Smith! She is the owner of Three Sisters Driving School in Fernie, BC. Carmen joined 2nd Edition Coworking to have a workspace downtown

Member Spotlight | Anne Keery
Meet Anne Keery, owner of an online marketing and media business called Alpine Trail Press. Her focus is on affiliate and display advertising. Anne is

Member Spotlight | Robyn Peel
Meet Robyn Peel, Community Economic Development Coordinator with Community Futures East Kootenay, an organization that helps to foster strong, resilient local economies by promoting economic development

Employee Spotlight | Sandra Robertson
Meet Sandra Robertson, Pilates studio owner turned part-time receptionist at 2nd Edition Coworking. Allergic to sitting still, Sandra begins every day with a goal